Wiki Entries Suggestions
FeedbackBefore I go into my suggestions for wiki entries, I would like to say that I have really been enjoying using this site as a way to get and spread Hytale information!
My first suggestion for the Wiki is that there should be a way to see why our submission was denied either through email or when we click on our submission. For example, my submission was denied on the Polar Bear section, and it would be really useful to have feedback on what we need to change for it to be accepted; for example, it would be useful if I could know "Oh, it was denied because I the photo I added was more about Penguins than Polar Bears," so that I could go back and add the text that I had added in that entry.
My second suggestion for the Wiki is to be able to edit a submission or make sure that entries do not override each other. For example, I had submitted an entry for the Pine Forest section to add a higher-res photo. Sometime later (before it was accepted) I wanted to add another bit of information, but the second entry had overridden the entry with the photos. This brings me to the point that there should be a way to either edit submissions before they are approved or add the feature that when a Wiki entry is submitted, only the sections that had been touched should be changed.
Thank you for reading (and sorry if I wasn't able to make the points clearly)!
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