Bats are flying mammals that can be found in caves and various zones during the night. It's not known whether they will be aggressive towards the player or if they will drop any items when killed.
Where to Find Bats
Bats are thought to be found in the dark and damp caves of Zone 1. However, it is speculated that they could be anywhere within the game.
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Comments (20)
Watch this thing give u the covid effect.
@Reyrey yum yum
Don't be like Ozzy Osbourne and eat these. Just don't.
i am the Night i am the Bat
do not
batman :)
bat chain
almost 4 years ago[removed]
I pray that I don't die to these bats like in terraria
Чисто его укус будет эффект ковида
I think bat looks cute
It makes balloon noises... NICE
I don't generally like bats, but I do like this one!
I have a great idea on this game