Grizzly Bears are territorial animals and can be found in the forests of the Emerald Grove. They will become defensive when approached but they wont harm you unless you refuse to get out of their way or directly provoke them. An angry Grizzly Bear will chase intruders, but it won't pursue them outside of their territories. When severely injured, they will attempt to escape the encounter and sleep to recover the damage. Disturbing a sleeping Bear is not advised, because the Bear will attack you.
Grizzly Bears are extremely territorial, and likely if a bear can see you it will attack you. This makes them hostile mobs (meaning that they will attack without being provoked).
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Comments (11)
The first animal I hope to obtain or tame
@BearBones Saint Gaia! Do you like bears too?
I'm curious if there will be grizzly bear cubs that have the ability to be 'friendly' to the player character, and when the player gets near the cubs or interacts then THIS bad mama charges after you.
Scary Grizzly
his fur will make the perfect rug for the campfire
That would be a fun feature
perfect rug
it would be cool if you could tame one
second image looks cute
almost 4 years ago[removed]