The Yeti is an ice boss that looks to be the main boss of Borea. The creature is an extremely large boss, which looks to be extremely tough to defeat. The Yeti was also showcased in the Hytale Announcement Trailer.
The only currently known ability is throwing a piece of dirt at the player, was showcased in the Hytale Announcement Trailer.
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Comments (16)
oh wow
I love how there's a little trail of snow that follows the boulders being thrown.
Is this THE ice boss
Actually, I think the Ice boss will be the Ice dragon...
I love it throws things at u and look at those players attacking it they hardly have any amour so i guess its weak.
This looks so cool
This is Borea's Boss.
noice yetix
Riding a Ram into battle is going to be amazing lol
they are the same as wendigo
...Yeah I don't get that either.
i really want to fight him lmao
Wait... isn't he Wendigo?
Who would win? 1 Yeti or 3 Outlanders?
Upvote this if you think that 1 Yeti would win!
I kinda want to pet it